You can depend on Prima Garage Doors Antelope for all auto lockout emergencies 24/7. Are you struggling to open the driver’s door lock? You might need to rekey your current door lock mechanism to allow a newly cut key to enter with ease. Key cutting and rekeying are two specialties of ours. They are ideal for lost car keys since you never want to gamble with your safety. The licensed techs we cooperate with use customized technology to duplicate any major brand vehicle key on the spot. That’s right, you don’t even need to bother contacting a random towing company during an emergency lockout. We work all hours, which means getting a hold of us is never a problem.
Antelope Lock Repair
It takes a few seconds to get distracted and totally forget about where you placed your keys. Fortunately, we have everything under control and we’ll be at the scene to save the day in no time! If you cannot open your driver’s side door or passenger’s side door without a hassle, a licensed locksmith can repair the locks altogether. Prima Garage Doors Antelope has the right solution for whatever emergency lockout situation you may find yourself in. All you have to do is give us a brief description of the services required, and we’ll send a reliable roadside technician to assist.
Prima Garage Doors Antelope offers transponder key programming, ignition key replacement, VAT keys, switchblade keys, key cutting, key duplication, professional lock picking, and 24/7 emergency lockout solutions. You can rest assured that Prima Garage Doors has the solution you’re looking for!
Emergency Lockout solutions
We highly advise all our customers to make several spare key copies to distribute among family members. A little safe planning early on goes a long way! Prima Garage Doors Antelope covers the basics when it comes to lockout situations. We can handle everything from expert key cutting to emergency lockout solutions. You can expect top quality results with expert timing 24 hours a day. Our reliability rates have brought us new referrals on a regular basis. We also differentiate from local dealerships in that we do everything on the spot while eliminating the emergency towing option. Call us today for more details.